Drive Professional Driving School Oxford

Intensive Driving Course Oxford

Oxford Intensive Driving courses

For a truly intensive driving course in Oxford, you should look no further than Drive Professional. We make sure that you are well prepared for your theory and practical driving test. Our driving instructors help you with the right driving course along with helping you pass first time without any worries.

If you want to learn to drive in a short time in Oxford, these reliable intensive driving lesson ideally made for your needs. Contact us at Drive professional Driving School for more details or to enroll in our fast-paced driving courses. 


Intensive Driving Course

Drive Professional is committed to upholding the highest standards of professionalism, safety and quality learning at all times, striving to mentor responsible drivers of tomorrow. We envision a future where our students will inspire the next generation to learn safe driving and keep roads secure for everyone. Our customized approach and fully qualified instructors make us the right fit for almost everyone. Without further ado, reach out to us and get started on an exciting new driving journey today.

Intensive Driving Lessons Training From Professionals

Our professional instructors offer well-structured intensive driver training to candidates based on what course they sign up for. All the courses include a practical driving test. Course packages such as gold plus, diamond and diamond plus come with free 3-hour training on the road and a free practice test. For automatic driving lessons read more


Intensive driving courses!


All of the following driving courses include a driving test, but there are three options to choose from:

Option 1: If the candidate already has a driving test and only wants a driving course, that's perfect. Please choose one of the following packages that suits you best.

Option 2: If the candidate is not in a hurry and plans to take their intensive course in the next couple of months, the normal fee of £62 applies.

Option 3: If the candidate has just secured a new job or recently failed the driving test and needs to pass it as soon as possible, they should consider the fast-track test booking. Choosing the fast track might allow us to schedule your driving course and test within one to two months.

Intensive Driving Course Prices

Refresher(5 hours) 1-day course

5 hours course was £225 + £62 test fee

(Deposit £25)

This is an ideal course for those reappearing for a driving test or for those who require a quick refresher lesson. 

Starter (10 hours) 2-day course

10 hours course £450 + £62 test fee

(Deposit £50)

Ideally recommended if any of the following categories apply to you. 

You failed recently, and need a quick re-test

You have done enough practice and need expert supervision to test your preparedness 

You have practiced enough but did not take a test and now you want to

If your theory validity has expired or has not done at all, we will arrange for a driving course and test once you clear your theory.

Bronze (15 hours) 3-day course

15 hours course £675 + £62 test fee

(Deposit £75)

If you're confident with your overall control, but feel that you can do better or need to improve on complex maneuvers, this is the right course for you. You can also take up this course if you've not passed a test and have not driven for the past 6 months or a year.

Bronze plus (20 hours) 4-day course

20 hours course £900 + £62 test fee

(Deposit £50)

This course is designed for beginners with safe basic control of the car and also knows how to do some maneuvers. This course is also suitable for you if you've undergone 15-20 hours of practice with a professional or have not driven for a long time or have attempted to learn basic reversing.

Silver (25 hours) 5-day course

25 hours course £1125 + £62 test fee

(Deposit £62.50)

This course is suitable for you if you've got 10-15 hours of driving lessons. You can also enroll in this course if you've not driven for some years now. 

Silver plus (30 hours) 6-day course

30 hours course £1350 + £62 test fee

(Deposit £75)

This course is suitable for pupils who already can move off and stop the vehicle using the (routine) MSPSL.

Gold (35 hours) 7-day course

35 hours course £1575 + £62 test fee

(Deposit £77.50)

This course is designed for beginners who adopt basic co-ordination quite quickly. Also, this course is for you if you have little or no driving experience.

Gold Plus (40 hours) 8-day course

40 hours course £1800 + £62 test fee

(Deposit £100)

Gold Plus is the right choice even if you have not had any driving experience, professionally or privately. The aim of this course is to give you extra time to practice driving.

Diamond (45 hours) 9-day course

45 hours course £2025 + £62 test fee

(Deposit £112.50)

This course is beginners friendly and is ideal for those learning slowly and naturally. Also, this course allows the individual to do it over two weeks, which hugely can benefit the candidate.

Diamond plus (50 hours) 10-day course

50 hours course £2250 + £62 test fee

(Deposit £125)

This is an extended version of the diamond course and gives the candidate an extra day to practice and better their driving skills.


If you need automatic driving lessons in Oxford, contact us at Drive professional Driving School on
07434 821 917

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